Seller: Lori Cote
State: Connecticut
City: Andover
Zip code: 01810
Type: Animals

Dog got you down? Is that really cute puppy turning into a less than adorable adult? I will come to YOUR HOME to help you regain control of your canine companion. Don't let your dog be known as "THAT" dog. I have over 16 years of experience helping owners curb bad behavior and take charge of their homes.
Think about it... why take your dog out of your home for training, when the problems you are having are in your own home environment? I come to you, so you can solve your problems where they began... at home.
Whether your problem is housebreaking, destructive behavior, pulling on the leash or even aggression, I can help you reclaim control. My training is based on respect, self control and trust. As a canine behaviorist, I understand what your dog is thinking. No harsh tactics will be used. I will show you how to communicate with your dog the way IT understands.
Alpha Dog Services... teaching YOU to be the LEADER OF YOUR PACK!
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